Welcome to my corner of the internet.

Congratulations, you've found your way to my homepage! You've no doubt noticed that there isn't a whole lot of content here at the moment. Hopefully I'll be able to change that soon, but for now you'll have to put up with my witty monologues.

As the heading suggest, my name is Nick Grant. I'm a student who spends his free time coding (I've been fiddling with OpenGL recently) and building model solar cars. I'm also involved in the Box Hill High School Faculty of Engineering Technology as a website designer/manager amongst many other things. If I do anything that I think might be interesting or useful for someone else, I'll add it to this site so you can get to it if you choose to.

If you want to download a copy of Ian Gardner's Model Solar Car Design Hints click here.

Contacting Me

I'm contactable through a variety of methods, the most reliable of which is email.

